C:\> Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Left Doesn't Get It

I was listening to The Diane Rehm Show yesterday on NPR, and John McCain was the guest. He is of course out hawking his new book, and of course all anyone wants to talk about is the anti-torture bill he is trying to enact and the Iraqi war in general.

Well, a caller called in asking McCain if he thought the Constitution included a Right To Privacy, and if not would he be in favor of an amendment specifying/enumerating a Right To Privacy.

McCain answered, paraphrasing, "I know where you're going with this, The Patriot Act, right? And I agree--"

...at which point the caller interrupted saying, "Not just The Patriot Act, but other things, especially Roe v. Wade, where many say that the 1973 ruling was flawed because they don't believe there is a Right To Privacy in the Constitution"

... to which McCain replied that while he's in favor of an amendment guaranteeing the right to privacy, and that parts of the Patriot Act infringe on this, he's Pro-Life and doesn't think the Right To Privacy has anything to do with abortion.

Exactly. This is the point that many on the Left and/or pro-choice people don't get: there are many people who'd grant a right to privacy that still are anti-choice. To them abortion is murder, plain and simple, and no person has a "right to privacy" in order to commit a murder.

This is why I want to pull my hair out when many ask potential Supreme Court nominees if they "see a right to privacy in the Constitution" in an effort to get at their opinion on Roe v Wade specifically and a woman's right to choose in general. Alito, for example, appears to be saying that he believes there is a right to privacy at least implicitly put forth in the Constitution, and some pro-choice people are taking that as a hopeful sign.

To them I point to McCain's statement today.


Anonymous said...

Good point. I've never exactly tied privacy to abortion, but I always figured there was an underlying reason why that would be so. However, I have never bothered to find out. And I won't today because I'm not feeling up to par.

Maybe I'll have a better response later.

I wanna take a nap. :(

Hank said...

Well, I think abortion does involve privacy, and I think the Constitution does at least imply a right to privacy... it's just that I realize that Conservatives/The Right can believe in a constitutional right to privacy and yet still be anti-choice, and therefore think that asking potential SC candidates about a constitutional right to privacy is a waste of time.

katiemoo said...

Here's what I think the left doesn't get: abortion is killing babies. And here's where the right to privacy comes in: It's my goddamn snatch and I've got a right to stick a hanger or a vacuum or a blow torch up it if I want and if the baby doesn't like it he should get out of the goddamn way.

P.S. I'm not pregnant.

Hank said...

Ah, but you miss the point. Of course a right to privacy comes into the abortion issue for those who think it should be a legal choice (and I agree with them); I'm only pointing out that to many *against* this choice it has nothing to do with privacy, and thus asking them their view on a Right To Privacy will not illuminate their view on abortion.

Are you *sure* you're not pregnant?

katiemoo said...

I can send you pictures, if you like. :P