C:\> Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas. Yes CHRISTMAS

Pssst. Over here. I'm going to let you in on a secret...

You know what's coming up in about 25 days?


I know most of you don't know this since the Evil Liberal Elite have done everything in their power to shut this holiday down. Because of them, because of everyone who says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" I fear that this year we may all forget about this holiday.

The White House, for crissakes, is putting up what it calls a "Holiday Tree". With the leader of the free world leading in such a fashion, it's no wonder that there is scant mention of Christmas anywhere nowadays. We Christians are the vast majority of America, yet we get almost no support or recognition from our government at all.

It's like Christianity in general and Christmas in specific doesn't exist in this country. It's been swept under the rug, hidden from view. No longer remembered.

The simple greeting/statement "Merry Christmas" has been replaced by "Happy Holidays", and with it we've lost our biggest national holiday, a holiday that's all but forgotten now thanks to the MSM and secular relativists.

Remember how it used to be? Remember when there would be non-stop ads starting after Halloween? Remember when there used to be all those Christmas-themed TV shows, usually involving some riff on Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"? (Tonight on "Happy Days": The miserly Fonz is visited by The Ghost of Christmas Past and learns a valuable lesson about the True Meaning of the Yule Season). Well, those days are gone, thanks to our Liberal do-gooder friends. There's nary a mention of Chirstmas on TV anymore. I mean what the hell, 85% of this country are good, god-fearing Christians. Why, then, should we censor ourselves? If the other 15% don't like it they can get the hell out and worship their heathen idols or what have you in some other country.

But no. We've given into them, this squeaky minority, and now our children don't even know it's Christmas anymore, just like those skinny kids in the Band Aid video Bob Geldof produced all those years ago.

I say we reclaim our holiday!! It's not too late!!! If we act quickly, there still might be time for our cities and stores to hang garland and holly and wreaths and Christmas lights!!! It's so empty now without them.

I want Christmas back.

Remember Christmas?


Tom said...

Oh, I get it. You almost had me going. Simba actually posted this. Bad cat!

katiemoo said...

Is this a rerun?

Hank said...

No, it's not a rerun. It just *sounds* like a Classic. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are much more witty than lil' ole me.

Hank said...

But you weren't trying to be witty, you were just stating the facts, which is your style. Sometimes that's better, since I've had a few people take what I wrote here seriously, and thus my point was lost.

I didn't point you here because I thought I did it better, but rather to show you that you're not alone. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to sound disgruntled. Really. I'm upset at something at work and I guess I'm letting it affect me. My one liner does look bitter rather than appreciative now that I look at it.

Honestly, I think humor gets the message across more effectively--hence my love of TDS and Jon Stewart.

BTW, do you get comments emailed to you from Blogger? I was curious about that. I replied in Todd's blog and then he wrote another entry and I'm not sure he ever saw my reply.

--So I don't confuse myself in the future, I'm copying this reply at Elljay! <--hmm, how long will it take this time? ;D