Talahi Diaries, July 28, 1967
In a previous Talahi Diary entry, I erroneously stated that the May, 1967 entries were my grandfather's last. As it turns out, there was one more, and this was his actual last diary entry:
July 28, 1967
Hankie, w/ popgun, basket of grapes & jar of fire flies, goes to sleep by himself in tent @ 8:00pm - Awakened at 1:30 am, & came in. [Grandpa]
The tent in question, here, was a small, two-man pup tent. I remember this night well, and I remember it was thunder that woke me up and frightened me enough to want to go inside. What I didn't realize then, however, was that evidently my grandparents were very concerned about me sleeping alone in the tent (in the front yard, mind you... not even in the back) and kept wanting to go out and tell me to come inside. My mom, however, was one of these "let him learn things on his own" types, and kept telling my grandparents to let me be, that I'd be okay, etc. Followed by my grandmother doing some more worrying and asking again if maybe I should come inside, followed by my mother getting more aggravated with them and forbidding them to "rescue" me.
I find none of this surprising in the least, as it fits with everyone's personality traits to this day.
Not mine, of course; it's not like I'm still afraid of thunder. Just so we're clear.
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