C:\> Thursday, October 06, 2005

That Damned Fish Bumper Sticker.

You know what annoys me? I mean besides multiple rereleases of DVDs and important stuff like that? What annoys me is the fact that The Conservative Right have somehow usurped religion... like now only Right Wing Conservatives can be religious in general and Christian in particular. Those of you who know me or read my blog know that I'm not religious, so it should be no skin off my nose, but my family (grandparents, etc) are, and it bothers me that one particular political persuasion can lay claim to an entire religion. Contrary to what many believe, Liberals can indeed be religious, accept Christ as their personal savior, yadda yadda.

Which brings me to the fish bumper sticker. You've all seen it:

This means that the person who owns the car is a Christian. Why? Something about the Greek word for fish, which is something like ichthis (I can't be bothered to look this up, that's close enough) is sort of like an anagram for Jesus Christ, Son of God (or something like that. Again... close enough).

Fine and dandy. But as I've said, what is the political affiliation of said fish-bumper-sticker-person? You shouldn't really be able to tell, but more and more the religious politically outspoken person is Conservative. Whatever. And more and more, the religious Conservative is not a fan of evolution. Thus I really get a kick out of this sticker which I occasionally see:

Get it? Get it?! See, the fish has feet... an obvious nod to evolution, thus this person is proudly proclaiming to everyone on the highways and byways of this great nation that

"I may be religious, but dammit, that doesn't mean I've abandoned science. The two can coexist".

Or something like that. I like that. I like especially the fact that you know this riles the Religious Right, who just can't fathom such thinking.

However, I'd like to improve upon this. Liberals have a heart, so I'd edit the sticker to reflect this:

See? This says,

"Hey, I'm a Christian who still understands science, and I truly care about my fellow man as well."

Succinct and to the point. But I think there's still room for improvement, since Liberals aren't only ruled by the heart. They use their brain, too. Logic is on their side, not simple dogma or Kool-Aid-induced fervor that makes them unable to think for themselves. So let's see what we have now:

Much better. This bumper sticker goes a long way towards showing the driving public that someone can believe in Jesus, understand and accept evolution and science in general, as well as having a heart while still being logical. That, my friends, is a bumper sticker for the ages.

It doesn't have to end there, however. Why stop when we have a good thing going? What if you also like to play the occasional game of tennis? Here you go:

I think you get the point.

Heart, brain, and tennis racket (c) yours truly. The fish I yanked off some site.


Michele said...

Your rants make sense! Keep 'em coming.

katiemoo said...

Liberals are logical? I think I could easily find a few counterexamples to that....