C:\> Thursday, May 19, 2005

Whatever Happened To The Awful Judiciary?

Seems to me like just yesterday The Right was bemoaning "activist judges" and the "unaccountable judiciary". They were lamenting, incorrectly, that there existed no "checks and balances" for the judiciary, those tyrants in robes thwarting the will of The People, safe with lifetime appointments.

Wasn't this the Mantra since at Least Reagan took office?

Why, then, is this same group of people now trying to make it easier for judges to be appointed? Instead of the de facto 60% required to confirm, they're trying to make it much easier for these Activist Will- Thwarters to sit on the bench. They want to change the rules so it will only take a 50% affirmative vote to confirm a judge to the bench.

As Jesus would say, "WTF?"

I don't get it. I don't get the logic. You complain about a runaway judicial branch, and then you make it easier for these judges to be confirmed.

If the "logic" is that they don't have to worry about "activist judges" if they are the party doing the appointing, then The Right is either short-sighted, hypocritical, or stupid (and probably all three, let's not kid ourselves):

  • They're short-sighted because they won't be in power forever; do they really want it easier for those future Pinko-Commie Liberal Appeaser presidents and senates to appoint and confirm godless activist judges?
  • They're hypocritical if they realize the illogic of their desire to end the filibuster but figure, "screw it, we're in power now so we should get the judges that we damn well want."
  • They're stupid if neither the above points have crossed their minds.
Now, I'm sure they don't think they're either short-sighted, hypocritical, or stupid, but frankly I can't think of any other explanation for Frist et al's behavior. Anyone care to enlighten me?


katiemoo said...

I honestly don't think Jesus would say that. Lieb, maybe.