C:\> Monday, April 11, 2005

Yes, Sir, That's My Baby

...though she's almost 17, so perhaps "baby" is the wrong term.

My grandmother plays piano in a band called "The Carrollton Strummers". It consists of about 15 retirees. There are uke players, an upright bass, banjo, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, harmonica, etc, along with just plain old singers. My grandfather also sings with them when he gets a chance. They perform for retirement centers, rec centers, churches, etc. Anyway, they wanted their great granddaughter to see them perform while she was here on her spring break, and she was nice enough to go and sit through a bunch of Golden Oldies from Yesteryear. However, she didn't count on being dragged into the act, dancing with a nimble 87 year old.

Here is the result, in RealVideo which should stream: Dancing Webpage
(Scroll to the bottom of that page for link to vidclip)