C:\> Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Does anyone else ever wonder what it would be like to open up the vegetable crisper drawer in the fridge and see a small family of albino rats living in there? Not a big family... say three or four "individuals". Okay, here's another scenario: you open up the crisper and you find a small family of regularly-pigmented rats in there. Would your reaction be any different?

That, my friends, is a microcosm of the racism we see in the world right there.

Okay, now forget the rats. Let's say there's a small band of woodland elves living, not in your crisper drawer, but inside the lint trap of the clothes dryer. It doesn't matter what their hair color is, in case you're wondering.


Cindy said...

What if there was a velociraptor in the freezer?

Hank said...

C i n d y: What if there was a velociraptor in the freezer?

My imagination isn't *that* whacked. ;-P