C:\> Friday, January 27, 2006

Austin Bands That Should Have

From what turned out to be the wasteland that was the mid to late 80s Austin, TX music scene:

The Reivers (aka Zeitgeist)
True Believers
Wild Seeds

'Nuf said.

Honorable mention:

Charlie Sexton, Doctor's Mob, Omar And The Howlers, and a host of others I can't be bothered to link to right now.

*** UPDATE ***

Go here for some examples from the above bands. (First sign into your Yahoo acct).

*** END UPDATE ***


Cindy said...

Never heard of any of them before you. Not a one.

Hank said...

That's because you're dumb.

Anonymous said...

Drawing a blank here. Well, I might have heart of Charlie Sexton, but I couldn't name any of his songs.

I lost passion for music somewhere in the '90s. As far as I get these days is hearing a snippet of a song in a movie and going, "Oh, that's nice!"

I did buy an album last week, but that's only because I had a Barnes & Noble gift card. And if the label was Sony/BMG, I wouldn't have bought it.

Hank said...

Charlie Sexton: "Beat So Lonely" and "I Am Not Impressed" were both national hits, and he was all of 15 at the time. Then he formed up with his bro and some others to for The Arc Angels. Then, he became one of Bob Dylan's touring guitarists.

Omar and the Howlers' "Hard Time In The Land of Plenty" was a national hit. It, along with the above-mentioned Sexton songs, also had strong rotation on MTV.

katiemoo said...

I have a couple of Rievers mp3s, but that has to be because of you. Also I never listen to them. Also, I might have thought that you were in them, which would probably be why I never listen to them. Okay. Wait, I'll be nice...Okay, I only have one, it's "In Your Eyes", and it's now in my winamp playlist. Okay.

Hank said...

I've added an update that points to a couple of examples from said bands. You need a Yahoo ID and I need to have already added you to the allowed list (which I probably have already). See original post for link.

Hank said...

Oh, and you need to be signed into Yahoo first, then click on the link. Or signin and refresh.