C:\> Friday, March 11, 2005

Which Design?

This current one you're viewing, or this one?

I don't care if you hate both, which do you hate the least? Let me know. Thanks.


Todd said...

I prefer the current one. The black helps to set the sidebar off and give the page a little more structure than just a pile of blueness. And the smaller font is good too.

So let it be written.

Anonymous said...

I hate the one with black the least. It's easier to read the blog when you don't have to worry about encroaching sidebars.

Cindy said...

Version 6.23.01

katiemoo said...

I actually do hate them both, but pretty much what Todd said. I guess this is the point, but the blue freaks the fuck out of me.

Hank said...

but there's less blue now!!!