C:\> Thursday, March 24, 2005


Print out and stick to monitor when reading my posts, emails, or blog entries.

  1. I don't think you're dumb
  2. I don't think my opinion is inherently better than your opinion, but since it is my opinion I of course am allowed to feel strongly about it.
  3. Just because I disagree doesn't mean that I think you're stupid. See #1
  4. When I say "The Right" I mean that as a political movement/ideology, not individuals. I don't even necessarily mean "Conservatives". If I mean "Conservatives" I'll say "Conservatives".
  5. If I mean individuals I'll name names.
  6. I probably could have said [insert comment here] better/clearer/more succinctly, but I did the best I could. If I've offended you and #5 doesn't apply, then either I wasn't clear or you misinterpreted what I meant. Take your pick (but let's not kid ourselves, it's probably the latter).
  7. When in doubt, assume I'm trying to be funny.
  8. I often say/write things when I should just keep my mouth shut.
  9. Please see the results of my Dice Personality Test.
  10. I like to argue, or rather debate, issues. Know this going in.
  11. I'm not trying to change your mind; I'm just stating my opinion and/or:
  12. If I ask you to explain your opinion/belief, don't assume that I'm implying you're dumb;I actually really and truly want to know how you arrived at that opinion/belief. If you can't intellectualize it, if it's just a "feeling", fine. I'll accept that. And please see #1, #3, and #11
  13. I don't take myself as seriously as you think. Really.
  14. Now that I think of it, my opinion is better than your opinion.
There. This should end all the misunderstandings. I only see smooth sailing ahead.


Anonymous said...

There. This should end all the misunderstandings. I only see smooth sailing ahead.

Hope springs eternal, eh? Heh. You probably should have this link on the ready for future debates. ?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should hotlink it in his sig.

V, posting from a disclaimer free zone

Anonymous said...

Shut up. Dummy.

See #7