C:\> Saturday, August 16, 2003

Since Christ Left Chicago

You know how people say that something is so old that "it's [been in use/has been there since/has been around/etc] since Christ left Chicago"?

Sure you do.

When people say that I often reply with the following, after of course rubbing my chin with the finger tips of my right hand in the approved "remembering" mode:

Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday...

[soft-focus, reminiscence mode]

Mr. Christ and I were sitting in the right-center bleachers at Wrigley one fine, April day. The Lord had just nabbed a homerun ball off the bat of Juan Samuel, pushing aside two seven-year-olds in the process.

"Well," he said, "my work here is done. I've gotten rid of Mayor Daley, cleaned up Cabrini Green [1], and set the price of White Castle hamburgers at 49 cents until the second coming. It's time to move on. Pass me an Pabst, would ya, Hank?".

On the el ride home, Christ was in a pensive mood. (Pensive, hell, he was sloppy drunk). We got off at Oak Park Ave, Mr. Christ gave me a little wave, stepped onto the third rail, and was gone. I knew then that Rush street would never be the same....

[/soft-focus, reminiscence mode]

[1] courtesy of VerlindaH. :-P