C:\> Tuesday, April 19, 2022


I have a beef about comic books, or comic book movies, or maybe both, and it's not that old chestnut that why is every movie now about comic book characters. No, I'm resigned to that. Maybe My grandchildren's children will be able to see non-super hero movies again one day, but not in my lifetime.
No, I'm bothered by the misuse and nonuse of determiners.
When did Joker lose the "the"? As in "THE Joker." That's the joker I know, THE Joker. Now, evidently, he's just Joker. And I'm supposed to just shrug and say that's okay and move on?
And the "the" didn't get lost, it seems to have migrated to Batman, who's preferred name is now "THE Batman." Why does he get the the, but the Joker loses the the? Why the willy-nilly use of the the as if it doesn't matter? IT DOES.
What's next, The Mr. Freeze? The Alfred? (which actually sounds like a character in The Handmaid's Tale, but let's not get sidetracked).
Riddler?! (turns out he *is* just Riddler now. Dammit). Is The Penguin still The Penguin or is he just Penguin now?
Why are they doing this to me?