C:\> Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Just A Test

My dear wife and I wrote a song together a few years ago. I like it fine, but really this is a test to see how this method of streaming audio works on Blogger, because I don't want/am too cheap to pay for a monthly account at Hipcast.com or what have you.

Click on title for streaming audio:

Nobody's Child


Keath said...

worked for me! :)

Cindy said...

Oh, I keep forgetting to comment on this.

1. "A few years ago" is actually like 9 years ago. Where's the music for Colfax Drive already?
2. Despite what Hank says, this song is NOT anti-abortion. I don't even know where he got that, and now he's spreading this info forth as if it were true!

Jukeboxmafia said...

Seems to work just fine. That's you? Sounds good, man...

Hank said...

Thanks for the tests and comments, guys. On Firefox it just downloads, it doesn't stream, but it appears to stream using IE, albeit with a player opening. I'd really like an embedded thing like Blake's using.

Jukeboxmafia said...

You can try Divshare.com, which is free, but popups can make it a hassle...

Hank said...

I'll check out divshare, thanks.