C:\> Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Random Spittle

1. Simba turns 13 some time this month. He doesn't look a day over 11.

2. I can't even remember what movie we're supposed to be reviewing over at that other blog.

3. Congratulations to Verlinda on her upcoming retirement, even though she's too young to get an AARP card at this point.

4. Congratulations to my grandparents on their 64th Wedding Anniversary next week. Sorry, no link. My grandfather's LJ account got yanked due to the copyright holder complaining about his slash pairings. (But here's a link to a post about how they met.)

5. I've never liked the word dirigible.

6. Obama as president would be great for this country, better than Hillary will be for this country. However, either would be so much better than a thug as president of this country at this juncture in our history that I'm willing to forgive any problems I have with a Hillary nomination. Why can't everyone be as logical as me? Why do they hate America so?!?

7. Why do people always feel obligated to have ten items on a list such as this?

8. See above.

9. Working at the bookstore is hard financially. We're all allowed a "stash" to store stuff we want to buy, and we get a good (50%) discount on almost everything (exceptions: nostalgia and DVDS, which are only a measly 20%). My goal is to break even, meaning not spend more than I earn there.

10. The Cubs broke my heart again this year, but what else is new.

11. C i n d y and I are having trouble agreeing on a boy name (and no, this is just an intellectual exercise at this point). She likes names like Declan and Rowan. I want a normal name that people won't giggle at during attendance taking at school, yet I don't want it so drab and plain that it's "Michael" or something. Any suggestions?


Cindy said...

You forgot Aidan and Grayson (though we both agree the latter is not to be). What's wrong with Michael?!

Hank said...

I guess nothing is wrong with Michael, and I'd rather have a name like that than a name like "Declan". Fancy odd names are fine for girls, but not for boys, IMO.

katiemoo said...

HBD Simba! My mom's elder cats will be 18 and 17 next year, so Simba's neigh a sprightly young thing. I don't know what that means.

I'm not convinced Hillary could beat Giuliani, and she's a thug as well, so there you go.

I don't like Declan because I always see it as Delcan and that's a stupid name. I like Max and Jack an awful lot for boys names. The problem with Jack is that my favorite girl name is Ruby, and I don't know how I would deal with having kids named Jack *and* Ruby, but you probably wouldn't have that issue. Aidan is a teensy bit too new-age-y for me. Alex I think is a good middle ground between manly and all Cindy-like.

Hank said...

Okay, maybe if I could call him "Dec" for short I could live with Declan.

No, I changed my mind (back). There'd still be that attendance problem.

To me, Max is a dog's name, though I don't know why.

I think we'd have more of a problem, being in Dallas, with a Jack & Ruby brood than you, Kat(i)e.

Alex would make me think of Alex Keaton. Who needs that. Plus, it's the name of one of my best friends, and people would assume I was naming the tyke after him.

I know Cindy: How about Hankson? ("Jack" made me think of that).

Dammit, if only he were a cat, we have that covered ("Bob Archter").

Binah said...

1. Yay Simba! He's a teenager now!

2. ...

3. You only have to be 50, so soon...

4. Typical

5. Dirigible, eh? I am unbothered. However, I am not fond of the word "shitty" in writing.

6. I like Obama more than Hillary, but I'd vote for either. I think Hillary can beat Guiliani, partially because I think the evangelicals will sit out the election if he's the nominee.

Didja know Obama an 8th cousin to Dick Cheney? I just learned that on NPR.

7. & 8. Peer pressure.

9. I can definitely see that.

10. Bastards!

11. So much for 7 & 8. I don't like Declan. I like Rowan or Aidan, though. I also clearly need to see A Scanner Darkly to find out what you're implying about my cat.

Cindy said...

Hankson and Cindyian. Hmmmm...

Maybe I should move on to French names next. What about Jean-Baptiste?

Hank said...

Maybe I should move on to French names next. What about Jean-Baptiste?

The only French name I'll consider is "Guy", of course pronounced "Ghee".

Hank said...

said...: Maybe I should move on to French names next. What about Jean-Baptiste?

Yeah, I heard that. Obama's response was something about every family having a black sheep. ;-)

Hank said...

Um, yeah. There was a cut-and-paste mistake, obviously, with my last comment.