C:\> Friday, July 27, 2007

How Much Of A Hank Fan Are You?

I found this great quiz over there at that quiz place, and here are the results:

You are 76% Hank-Fan! Why it's not 100% is beyond me.

Hank is overjoyed that you did so well. He's also a bit scared, truth be told. But a fan is a fan. If Hank didn't have better things to do he'd send you and autographed picture. But, alas, he does. Sorry.

How Much Of A Hank Fan Are You
Quizzes for MySpace

I encourage all of you to take it! Oh, and there's the other quiz I made, the informative Which Marx Brother Are You?

You're welcome.


Cindy said...

You know, I thought only those dang teenagers were the ones who made quizzes. ;-P

My quiz results say I am only 32% fan.

And I'm Gummo, whoever the hell that is.

Hank said...

See, it's a trick quiz. You have to answer honestly to score high, not how you think the quiz author wants you to reply, to prove you really know him and, thus, are a fan. Thus, the question about politics should be answered "false". ;-)

Cindy said...

Who said I wasn't answering honestly? Mwahahahaha