C:\> Monday, February 12, 2007

And That's Not Even Counting Tony Randall

Famous Couples with a greater than 10 year age difference:

(for no particular reason. Really. ;-)

  • Prince Charles/Lady Diana : 13 years
  • Ron and Nancy Reagan: 10 years
  • Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie: 12 years
  • William H. Macy/Felicity Huffman: 12 years
  • Sonny/Cher: 11 years
  • Bob Dole/Elizabeth Dole: 13 years
  • JFK/Jackie: 12 years
  • Jackie/Ari O: 23 years
  • Jerry Seinfeld/Jessica: 17 years
  • Rudy Guiliani/Current Wife: 11 years
My oh my. What a bunch of degenerates. And look at all the Republicans on the list. Tsk, tsk. Where's the morality? I don't know about you, but the first thing I think about when I see Brad and Angelina is how sick and disgusting it is that they're 12 years apart.


Cindy said...

Just wanted to throw out one of the supercouples of the silver screen: Bogey and Bacall - 25 years

katiemoo said...

*ahem* I noticed one glaring omission...

katiemoo said...

Also, you passed up a golden opportunity to say "Filliam H. Muffman".

Hank said...

Katie said...

" *ahem* I noticed one glaring omission... "

Well, I was only using famous couple examples, else, yeah, and a certain couple that live in Houston might qualify, too.

Anonymous said...

Yep. It's 11.5 years for us. When Cliff's birthday comes in May, we're 12 years apart until my birthday in October.

Anonymous said...

What is that word that Katrina uses? Not cunty. It starts with g, right? Whatisitwhatisitwhatisit?

Hold the presses, I remember.

That no-particular-reason person? What a gunch!

Gunch, gunch, gunch, gunch!

I really like that word. It's wrong that I would have forgotten it for even a moment.

Cindy said...

Wait, what about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? And speaking of Katie, if you use real couples, what about Cary and Katie?

Hank said...


"Wait, what about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? And speaking of Katie, if you use real couples, what about Cary and Katie?"

I didn't use Cruise/Holmes because some *do* point to them in disgust. I was using couples that no one ever sais/said anything about.

As to Cary/Katie, I assume that was what Katie meant by "ahem" in her above comment. Though maybe not.

And Tom!! And Stephane!! (Accent ague on the first E Stephane)