C:\> Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lik-M-Aid Fight

The following is all true.

No, really.

It's not like that cartoon story or anything. (Which was just partly true).

Once, when I was about nine, I needed some money so I could go out and buy some candy, specifically some Lik-M-Aid. After a furtive search under the couch cushions yielded nothing but some assorted lint, I got a bright idea:

My friend was over, so we decided to stage a fake fight and charge my sister and her friend a quarter each (twenty-five cents for those of you on the metric system) to witness this fight.

Which we did.

However, my sister got wise that she'd paid not for a real fight but a fake fight and wanted her money back.

Which we refused.

So my friend and I took our new-found monies and went to Jim's, a local candy store, and bought the aforementioned confectionary treat.

It never tasted as good as it did that day, bought with money fleeced from my sister and her friend.

My sister to this day complains about this, and it was what, 30 years ago or more? What's with that?


Anonymous said...

That doesn't seem like you, Hank. But I guess you must have been a boy at one point in time.

Oh, and this live bookmark thing isn't working like I thought it would. I thought it would somehow let me know you've updated with an alert like, "bsod.blogspot.com updated!" But alas, no.

Hank said...

It was all in fun, and you have to know my sister...

As to the live bookmark thing: yes, I at first thought you'd get an alert, too. Even so, it still makes it easier to check for new posts, though it doesn't always update instantly. Also, I wish you could go to the top of the domain from a live bookmark rather than only to an individual post.

katiemoo said...

I'd like to go to the main page, too. I also hate the rollover window thing that will disappear if my hand jerks or something. I also wish blogger would alert me when someone replies to one of my comments on someone else's blog, like LJ does. Hank, fix this.

Hank said...

Yeah, I'd like the comment notification thing like LJ has, too.

Also, *still* Cindy's blog won't load properly in the Live Bookmarks. I just don't get it... the feed must work because it shows up in Yahoo's thingie, just not in Live Bookmarks.