The Wishy-Washy Middle
For the record, as long as The Right/Conservatism/Republicans align themselves with the idea that homosexuals are somehow second class citizens, I will proudly call myself a Liberal/Democrat.
Other core values that simply will not allow me to give up the "Liberal" label in favor of the more open-minded sounding "independent" include:
- The belief that all things being equal, the rights of the individual outweigh the rights of the corporation
- The belief that The First Amendment is just as important as The Second Amendment
- The belief that one of the main functions of our government is to protect the rights of the minority, not the majority
- The belief that The First and Fourth Amendments cannot be ignored in the name of "fighting terrorism"
- The belief that one can still support the troops while disagreeing with the mission, that the two aren't mutually exclusive
You know the amendments are in order, right? I mean, the 1st amendment actually is more important than the 2nd. Even ad will agree with that. JTIS.
Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 8:08:00 PM CST
Well, yeah, one would think they were in order of importance. All I want to hear from The Right is that at least #1 and #2 are equal. I won't push it and claim *more important*... ;-)
"even ad"... hahahahahaha. Who is he, the Pat Buchanon of the Bay Area now? ;-P
Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 8:35:00 PM CST
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