C:\> Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ummm.... is this what they call irony? Or is it black potted-ness?

From Time:

If the press was so free in the U.S., Putin asked, then why had those reporters at CBS lost their jobs? Bush was openmouthed. "Putin thought we'd fired Dan Rather," says a senior Administration official. "It was like something out of 1984." The Russians did not let the matter drop. Later, during the leaders' joint press conference, one of the questioners Putin called on asked Bush about the very same firings, a coincidence the White House assumed had been orchestrated. [emphasis mine]

Interesting, and the White House would know about orchestrated questions during press conferences, so they must be right...


Anonymous said...

Color me amused at Bush getting hoisted on his own petard. Yeah, Bush didn't really get them fired, but I can't blame Putin for pointing it out. Appearances, baybee.

One could argue that Putin's comment is self-indicting, but if we're trying to be an example...

Hank said...

I'm just more amazed at the White House being "shocked, shocked!!!" that a press confrence might have staged questions given the whole Gannon/Guckert fiasco.