C:\> Monday, January 03, 2005

Comparing Apples and Oranges

  • Oranges have a thick peel orange in color; apples have a thin skin, usually red but sometimes green.
  • Apples aren't high in vitamin C; oranges are.
  • Oranges can have a navel; Apples have stems.
  • Apple cider: refreshing beverage; Orange Cider: I mean, is there even such a thing?!
  • No one says that someone is the "orange of my eye"; likewise, there's no exfoliate referred to as "Agent Apple."


Cindy said...

Perhaps I am stupid and just don't get it, but why are you comparing apples and bananas and not apples and oranges like the subject says?!

Hank said...

I don't know what you mean.

Cindy said...
